Shito Recipe
1150ml of Sunflower oil,
60g of chilli powder,
1tsp of cloves,
1.5tbs of aniseed,
1/2 of grains of Selim,
120g of shrimp powder(2cups),
120g of dried powdered herrings,
4 shrimp cubes,
6 scotch bonnets,
pettie belle peppers (kpakpo shito),
60g of garlic,
130g of ginger,
1tsp of mixed spice,
1/2tsp of Chinese five spice.

- Pour half amount of oil into blender. Place grains of selim, cloves and aniseed underneath, add remaining ingredients; chopped onions, garlic, ginger, petite bell pepper, scotch bonnet and blend together into a fine mixture
- Put blended mixture into your preferred saucepan, set on a medium heat and cook for 20 minutes stirring consistently with wooden spoon. Add maggi shrimp cube at the light brown stage of the cooking together with powdered pepper. Simmer for few minutes.
- Stir in the powdered shrimp, mixed spice, powdered herrings and Chinese five spice. Cook further for 5 minutes then put off the heat. Bottle shito in Mason jar. Enjoy the shito with Kenkey and fried fish.