Coconut Beans and Ripe Plantain


Ripe Plantain, grounded peanut, suya spice,

1tbs cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp mixed spice,

1/2 tsp of cloves and grains of selim,

1/2 tsp fennel,1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 garlic powder,

1/2tsp onion powder.

Skewers must be soaked in water overnight


  • Peel and cut ripe plantain into sizes of preference.
  • Preheat Oven to 150° C.

  • In a medium bowl, combine and mix cayenne pepper, mixed spice, cloves, grains of selim, fennel, salt, garlic powder and onion powder together with the sliced plantain using hand covered with gloves in order to incorporate the flavours.

  • Arrange about 4 to 5 pieces of spiced plantain on skewer. Repeat process till all the plantain is done. Spray oil onto spiced plantain. Divide plantain on skewers into three portions. Sprinkle the first fraction of plantain on skewer with ground peanut. Cover the second section of plantain on skewers with the suya spice. Make plain the last portion of plantain on skewers.

  • Arrange the kelewele on a rack placed in a baking tray lined with foil.

  • Place the baking tray at the centre of the oven. Bake at 150° C in a preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes till cooked. Serve with peas dip, Jollof or fried rice.